online: 9 june 2019
modified: 7 june 2019

25 may 2019 prosthesis

today i would like to think of prosthesis . . . things made to aid people . . . a rather clumsy word, no doubt, which seems necessary in these times . . .

i will try not to attempt to write a definition but to put the whole idea in ordinary words . . . a thing made to assist people in using other things . . . already it begins to sound clever and even unnecessary or academic or teacherly . . . not like many other words that flow more smoothly . . . let us take the word chair and the word seat . . . and also the word wheelchair . . . a chair carries many implications . . . beyond that of supporting peoples posture when seated . . . but also wheelchair brings the idea of an object with two functions . . . here they are combined in a double name . . .

it might be that there will arise a double name which is more original than that . . . in that it is a single entity and combines smoothly with other words as such . . . a chair by itself can indicate the king or a chief or the chair of a committee or meeting . . .

who is in charge here? says the police man towards a disorderly group of people . . . and there is also the word wheel . . .

i am pausing for a moment to let these words and thoughts they represent to interact as freely as possible . . . but the writing seems to be leading in the wrong direction . . .

i used to dislike the word prosthesis which leads one to evaluate . . . and end that writing experiment beginning with speech and continuing as writing . . . let us try to recover that aim . . . that categorical imperative . . . i never used that word but want to use it now . . . it came twice to me, as part of a wider discussion by other people . . . though i do not know what it means sufficiently to enjoy it just yet . . . but i am remembering that my first attempts at poetical writing about design could also be as enjoyable as anything else . . . what i understood it to mean was the necessity of having a firm standpoint for poetic writing and for rational thinking . . .

so lets do what comes to mind, if we allow this obscure phrase of Immanuel Kant to provide guidance outside the range of poetry perhaps . . . but not beyond the range of chairs and tables . . . (beautiful or comfortable or otherwise) . . .

as usual on second reading the words that seemed uninteresting have changed in the interval and there remains need to resay or rewrite these collections of words . . . so having written quite a lot about what could be a wrong situation we can try to continue simply with the intention of combining speech with writing . . . it almost happens to me . . .


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