online: 28 may 2019
modified: 28 may 2019

15 may 2019 what we do every day

i have been thinking while we were getting ready that there must be something good as well as something bad in what we do everyday . . . in what we call industry and work . . . high quality standards for powerful and rich people . . . but we may not do the same for ourselves . . . unless we are paid we dont do things of good quality . . . that is the idea in industry as we inherited it . . .

we say we will do it that way, the luxury path, which is provided for those of us who are more healthy and wealthy . . . the terrible economic problem of the health service everywhere, where we try to do things well but result only in creating problems held by most of us . . .

this is confusion which i call creative confusion . . . in fact we wrote badly by including too many things . . .

luco* (let us carry on)

it is not me or you it is both of us who are writing this . . . as we come to the edge of good writing and bad . . . the confused place from which new thingsmay emerge . . . we realize that this talk about good and bad work is teaching us something we did not expect . . . that our discussion between speaking and writing not only improves what we are doing but also confuses us . . . this mixture . . . or any mixture . . . leaves the people who are doing it in, I hope, a happier state than we were in before . . . we are slipping away from sensible ordinary talk or rationality for the greater pleasure of revealing the complexity of what we are about . . .

pausing to think what the next word might be . . . we attempt to speak and write well . . . in which we learn that quality in anything is indeed very difficult to achieve but very desirable . . . we have now landed ourselves in the happy world of utopia which very soon becomes confused and yet creative. . . not flowing with goodness which we started off to achieve . . .


by which i mean you not me . . . notice that the correction changes the nature of what i am saying to the point of being confused myself . . . so we have to stop a moment to grasp the simplicity with which we began . . .


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