online: 30 december 2017
modified: 12 september - 29 december 2017

12 september 2017 sunny day before showers

...but definitely autumnal... at the outdoor cafe... among pigeons... and mosses growing between pavement slabs...

...cold air drives me onward... to get some exercise before the rain showers (expected later) and after drinking a pot of camomile tea...

...on my way through the Kenwood estate i stopped to look at Humphrey Repton's landscape design which included an artificial bridge facade to be viewed from where i now hypothetically stand on the distant terrace (as if in 1800 or so)...

...then i hear voices behind me... it's two people who know me... and who subscribe to daffodil... (i have met them on the heath quite often)... i'm at the highest seat... where a man with a bicycle and a rucksack moves to let me sit beside him while he is speaking into a mobile phone... we talk about the beauty of the heath before he continues his journey ...

then sitting here alone i feel closer to the landscape than i did in company... not seeing direcctly every leaf but somehow conscious of the presence of each of them...


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