online: 25 april 2016
modified: 25 april 2016

25 april 2016 monolith-empyrean

the sculpture so named and carved by Barbara Hepworth in 1953... and now standing in a lawn with rhododendrons at Kenwood House... perhaps my favourite work of art...

no comment

two or three rabbits hopping about between the large rhododendrons that almost enclose the sculpture in an almost private place in this landscaped garden (modernism at its best?).. and at my feet a discarded daffodil...where i'm sitting on a classic modern chair (the three-legged chair by Arne Jacobsen) brought here because of my (i hope temporary) inability to walk and stand without rests... which has brought me today to an excellent spot from which to look at Barbara Hepworth's sculpture

a rabbit approaches... and tiny drops of rain fall on an improvised roof over the screen of the i-pad... (another classic) on which i am writing these words...

...back now indoors and out of the cold wind (unusual for april) and amazed by the cleverness and utility of the clouds software that enables what i wrote out of doors on a handheld to appear on a desktop computer before i return home

i suppose none of these things is perfect but i think all are refreshing instances of the simple belief that there is good in the world...

next day
previous entries about Barbara Hepworth's sculpture are at:

16 may 2013 to a place that i like

24 october 2012 beyond science or fiction

9 august 2007 coincidences

7 december 2006 after a storm


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