online: 12 july 2012
modified: 11, 12 july 2012

11 july 2012 gazebo

renovation of

...taking a brief walk between showers...this evening... i see that the gazebo (or viewing shelter) is fenced off by coloured tape... and there are notices from the City of London explaining that it is being renovated... 'with apologies for any inconvenience caused'...

...the gazebo is now painted a pale pink... the graffiti (some of which was both lively and political) has been obliterated... i welcome the renewal of this architectural sculpture (by Wendy Taylor) as to me it's become the conceptual and physical starting place not only of the park in which it stands but as an imagined entrance to softopia...(where one's life or dream can be expanded?)...

...after so much rain in the last few days... or even weeks... the seats are wet and so i cannot sit to write until i get back indoors...

...walking on i pass six ducks sleeping on the new mown grass... and then i leave the park and wait for a bus to take me back before the next shower... there is no one in sight and no traffic... and even 'the houses seem asleep'... as do the trees and a bamboo bush across the road...

...after a few minutes a woman with a handheld something comes to sit under the bus shelter and then a bus arrives and she hurriedly shuts down the handheld to signal to the bus and to get on it... as i do also...

...i wonder if this is the dullest or the most ordinary part of this diary so far but i'm enjoying it as it is... in these words of one syllable excluding those two and several others...


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