online:30 October 2008
modified: 30 October 2008

19 October 2008 autumn flowers

near southwest gate to Kenwood

...walking slowly beneath grey skies i am cheered by the sight of three Campion blossoms flowering amid brambles, nettles, and a plant i don't know the name of (it could be a lily)... and that small action of noting and naming is enough (it is plenty) to dispel gloomy thought and to re-arouse perceptions... i wrote that a yellow leaf fell onto my knee...and now it's been blown by a gust of wind to join hundreds of other leaves on the ground by my feet...

...this is the first day of autumn weather after weeks of late summer with warm air and little wind... but today it's cold enough for gloves and winter coats as the leaves fall in thousands...

...plenty of people here today... i can see a dozen in the small field before me... assuming that density all over the Heath i estimate that there are a thousand out walking in this wind (and few or none of them sitting or lying on the ground as they were 2 or 3 days ago)...

...and today it's about ten years since i began to write this diary on the internet not imagining that it would become a new habit for many of us... even a way of life...

for comfortable line length set the window to about two-thirds of the screen width


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